Confidentiality and Privacy
What we discuss will be held in confidence and not shared with others. However, our discussions are not privileged for legal purposes. The privilege of confidentiality that exists for the clergy, therapists and attorneys is not granted to coaching professionals. That said, life coaching is a confidential process, and your personal information will always be protected.
Avis Ward expressly disclaim all warranties and responsibilities of any kind, whether express or implied, for the accuracy or reliability of the content of any information contained in this site, and for the suitability, results, effectiveness or fitness for any particular purpose of the content. You are solely responsible for your use or reliance on such information and any foreseeable or unforeseeable consequences arising out of such use or reliance. In no event will Avis Ward be liable for any damages resulting from the use of or inability to use, the content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or other legal theory, and whether or not Avis Ward is advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Avis Ward’s aggregate liability exceed $5 USD.
By law, I cannot work with people who are having suicidal thoughts/tendencies or have been diagnosed with ongoing chronic depression or any other diagnosed psychiatric illness. If you have a mental health diagnosis please contact a crisis hotline or licensed mental health professional.
For Educational and Informational Purposes Only.
The information contained in this website, blog, guest blogs, e-mails, programs, services and/or products is for educational and informational purposes only, and is made available to you as self-help tools for your own use. While I draw on professional expertise and background in business and other areas, you acknowledge that I am supporting you in my role exclusively as a life coach. I provide information concerning, but not limited to, the optimizing your potential and maximizing your performance.
By using this website, blog, e-mails, or any of my programs, services, and/or products, you implicitly signify your agreement to all parts of the above disclaimer.