Any day I’m alive is a “GREAT DAY to Write a Blog Post!” But there’s something very special about this day — today. This site,, went live! Yeah! Hip! Hip! Hooray! Praise Jesus! There is still a bit of tweaking to do but that’s always the case with technology, it seems.

It began with a plan, written goals with deadlines and specific outcomes. Some days, I didn’t finish the things on my to-do list but I didn’t procrastinate. No! No! I ran into some tech issues and had to wait for tech support to respond. After consulting my most cherished Web Master (the Master of my soul), changes and rewrites were made. It has been fun and I was able to enjoy the process. I learned, was stretched, grew and persevered. I even created a video to make the announcement across social networks/media.

I worked smart by doing the hard things first which made everything else easy and easier.

Take a look around and you will discover, is for you because I am for you!

Have a GREAT day! Remember, you are a winner — just like me!

Hugging life with love…

It’s a GREAT DAY to Write a Blog Post!
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