Call it what you wish. A talent…a skill set…a gift. The terms are different, but the truth is the same. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:7, “The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others.”

You aren’t the only person with your skill. But you are the only person with your version of your skill. You entered the world uniquely equipped. Psalm 139:13-15 describes it as “knit together, woven together in the dark of the womb, intricately and curiously wrought.”

Each of us! Not some of us, a few of us, or the elite among us. Each of us has a beauty that longs to be revealed and released. It is you at your best! “When you stand at the intersection of your skill and God’s call, you are standing at the corner of Promised Land Avenue and Glory Days Boulevard.”

That is from Max Lucado. I couldn’t have said it better for this very purpose. Forget the gravy train and ride the Glory Train to Promise Land Avenue and Glory Days Boulevard. The gravy train will run out of gravy but divine promises and glory will last for all eternity. Your ticket to climb onboard is merely turning within to this divine power given to you simply because you believe and accept it. You will have divine guidance at your disposal, at will, in every endeavor assigned to you by its Supreme Being. You will also have good success. That is what I was given as my purpose in serving others.

Wisdom.  Balance.  Authenticity.  Passion.



Avis Ward, Life Coach Strategist

I am a Spiritual Life and Business Coach Strategist. I coach spiritual individuals and entrepreneurs from a coaching model based on the Life and Teachings of Jesus.  My passion is helping others optimize their potential and maximize their performance by turning within for divine guidance.  Clients learn the practical steps to create abundant living and healthy sustainable businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Going from Coach to First-Class is more than a slogan. It’s our divine right and rightful place.

May I serve you? My initial service is at no charge to you. Schedule that session with me now: Introductory Session. My desire is to be the best help you could ever get in being all that you were created to be.