My Scheduler
Change begins when we make the first step. That’s no longer ‘trying’ but “doing.”…
Go upWard...From Coach to First-Class
Self-Help resources to get you moving upWard From Coach to First-Class! Each link will…
"By a twist of fate or divine appointment, I've found you and all the rich context you bring with your unswerving faith, positivism, ability to look a problem in the eye and see it for what it is...a potential solution to an unmet need...and you have the love and compassion to accept people where they are...and can learn from even those with whom you don't are indeed the coach for me!!! And I am grateful you're here."
"I needed help and Avis was brought into my life. I told her the world needs her after our initial session. I take credit for her becoming a Life Strategist because I didn't have the answers she had and I begged her for them. I believe her spirituality lends itself to insights that many do not have, myself included."
"I had the most difficult time balancing marriage, motherhood and an upper level management career. I am paid well for my expertise but I was falling apart. Avis held my hand through the Wheel of Life and I became Wonderwoman! You need Avis, who will gently, decidedly, and steadily push and pull you with love, kindness and her wisdom."
"I needed to “fine-tune” some identified issues that were preventing me from optimal functioning. Avis in her wisdom, uncovered unidentified issues that were connected to the ones I knew about. LOL I immediately connected with her spirituality and as my coach, I was helped to strengthen my personal connection with that Divine Presence."